Credits: Local Exchange UK Ver. 1.01

This website is based on the one designed for Fourth Corner Exchange, in Bellingham, Washington State, USA, as per the credits below, and was developed, with permission, for use in the UK, by Mary and Progga under the auspices of LETSlink London during summer 2007. Enhancements developed by Chris McDonald and Rob Follett of Falmouth LETS and added for UK version 1.0 Nov 2008 - June 2009

Further software developments under the auspices of LETSlink UK are being recorded on

PHP development for the Local Exchange system was by Calvin Priest. Original informational content was by Francis Ayley & Cheryl Niles. Graphics were contributed by Calvin Priest from several other free software projects, the Gnome project in particular. Thanks to Laurie & Scott Shultis for their generous assistance with the original Fourth Corner Exchange website.

Local Exchange multilingual versions development
December 28th, 2011 by Rob Follet:

We're now getting quite a lot of enquiries about running Local Exchange UK in languages other than English. Here's how things stand at time of posting...
Leif Arne Storset from Norway is developing a multi-lingual version based on our code for v1.01, this building on the pioneering work on an initial major rewrite of the code for a multi-lingual version by Evert Jan Klein Velderman and Willem van der Til in Holland - working site at and several others.
For translation purposes, Leif Arne Storset's version has a public repository at Github and is under active development for other languages, so we recommend that anyone interested in developing Local Exchange in other languages liaise with him. See
There's a site running his code at (see for history of this project). We are in contact with him and hope to work together to incorporate his changes into our own version, but this is probably a few months away.
Our own current code for Local Exchange UK v1.01 is also now at Github
S see
It is also still available via my own site - see links in forum post at

Use of Local Exchange (map)

Rob Follet

Local Exchange NL Ver. 1.01

Local Exchange, afgekort Lex, is Open Source software waarmee je een LETS-administratie via internet kunt beheren. De software is oorspronkelijk ontwikkeld en aangepast door de hierboven vermelde personen. Daarna is door Willem van der Til (van LETS Tiel) een meertalige versie van Lex ontwikkeld en is samen met Evert Jan Klein Velderman (van Letskring Mallemoer Breda) ook een aantal wijzigingen en verbeteringen in de programmacode aangebracht en de functionaliteit uitgebreid, zoals CKEditor (WYSIWYG, HTML-editor) voor het maken en wijzigen Vraag, Aanbod en Informatiepagina's.
Lex is later ook in het Noors vertaald door Leif Arne Storset van LETS Norge (Oslo, Noorwegen) met de meertalige versie als basis.
De Nederlandstalige versie was door LETS Tiel beschikbaar gesteld op: Local Exchange NL, maar inmiddels is die versie door LETS Breda weer verder uitgebreid. Hierover kan informatie worden aangevraagd via onze Contactpagina.
Letskring Breda heeft als eerste het vertaalde administratiesysteem per 01-08-2010 in gebruik genomen, waarna LETS Tiel op 01-10-2010 volgde. Diverse LETS-kringen zijn aan de lijst van gebruikers van deze versie toegevoegd en kunnen Lex, zoals alle Letskringen, geheel gratis gebruiken.

Gebruik van Local Exchange (kaart)